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12.12.2024 - Drink & Paint - Christmas Special - Köln

12.12.2024 - Drink & Paint - Christmas Special - Köln

Regular price €44,00
Regular price Sale price €44,00
Sale Sold out
Tax included.

Drinks are not included in the price.

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Donnerstag, 12.12.2024

18:30 - 20:30 Uhr

Mixed Media Blending

St. Louis, Meister-Gerhard-Straße 30, 50674 Köln

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Lillet Winterzauber mit Lillet Specials!

Erlebe die Magie der Weihnachtszeit in einer kreativen Runde! Unser festliches Drink & Paint Event bietet dir guten Drinks unter anderem, Lillet Winterzauber mit Lillet Specials, umgeben von einer stimmungsvollen Atmosphäre und weihnachtlichen Vibes. Eine Playlist mit Christmas Classics und festlichen Beats sorgt für die perfekte Stimmung, um deiner Kreativität freien Lauf zu lassen und gemeinsam mit netten Leuten aus deiner Stadt ein Meisterwerk zu schaffen!

Bei diesem besonderen Motiv werden wir gemeinsam verschiedene Techniken ausprobieren. Wir werden einzigartige Farbverläufe mit dem Pinsel gestalten und durch die Spachteltechnik unserem Kunstwerk eine besondere Spannung und Tiefe verleihen. Tauche mit uns in die farbenfrohe Welt der Acrylmalerei ein und erschaffe dein individuelles Kunstwerk.

Lass uns gemeinsam kreativ werden und uns von der festlichen Stimmung inspirieren! @lillyjils

Infos zur Location:
Art: Café/Restaurant
Das Event findet im Sitzen statt.
Musik: Christmas Classics und festlichen Beats

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What can you expect at our events?

Guided by selected artists, you'll create your own masterpiece in a 2-hour course. Let your creativity run free with fitting music and drinks & completely disconnect from everyday life. Come with your friends, your partner, or meet new people from your city. You don't need any artistic skills, everyone is welcome!

What's included?

Your ticket includes a 2-hour guided Drink & Paint session. You don't need to worry about anything. We've got the right materials with us. Buy drinks at the bar and let your creativity flow. And the best part: You can take your self-created artwork home with you.

Additional information about the event

  • If you're coming in a group, it's best to get your tickets together. That way, we can reserve a group table for you. If you get individual tickets and want to sit next to each other, just send us a quick email.

  • During our event, we will be taking photos and videos that we will post on our social networks to share the great moments with our community. If you do not agree to appear on our social media channels, we ask that you briefly let us know during the event.

  • Even though you'll be wearing an apron from us, you should be aware that acrylic paint unfortunately doesn't wash out of clothing very easily.